Privacy Policy for the Erleb-AR-App on iOS Devices:

The purpose of this Data Protection Declaration is to inform the user how the Erleb-AR app uses the sensors of the device and how it protects the user's privacy:

ARKit: This application uses the ARKit functionality, which is provided by Apple and governed by the Apple Customer Privacy Policy declaration. Nothing from the ARKit functionality is stored internally or externally.

Internet access: If available the app can download larger 3D models to be displayed.

Camera access: For augmented reality the app uses the cameras live stream. No pictures or videos are stored internally or externally.

GPS location sensor: If available the app can use the GPS location information in augmented reality. The location information is neither stored nor communicated externally.

IMU orientation sensor: If available the app can use the IMU orientation information in augmented reality. The orientation information is neither stored nor communicated externally.

No private data access: The app does not access any private data on the device. We, therefore, do not sell, trade, or otherwise transfer any information to outside parties.

No offensive content: All content shown by the app does not contain any offensive visual or audio content.

No advertisement: The app contains no advertisement.

Non-commercial: The app is completely free of charge.

Web Site: The official website is:

Contact: If you have any questions about the app, Erleb-AR or about this data protection declaration please contact:

Berne University of Applied Sciences
Marcus Hudritsch
Hohenweg 80
2502 Biel-Bienne